On December 23rd, 2021, students from M.O.P. Vaishnav College for Women’s 2nd Year B.Sc. Visual Communication class paid a visit to SIGA Press. The tour was inspired by their B.Sc. Visual Communication paper Printing and Publication Design, in which they learned about printing processes and the nature of work in the publishing industry. The plant was visited by a total of 50 students. The tour was led by Mr. Ignatious Adaikala Raj, HOD Printing Technology, and Mr. Mithun Murali K, Lecturer in Printing Technology. The students visited the prepress, press, and post press sections of the press. The students learned the workflow of printing a product. They got training in image processing, computer to plate, setting of plates, finishing and binding. The students went to the press’s prepress, press, and postpress departments. The students learned about the printing process. They received training in image processing, computer to plate, plate setting, finishing, and binding.