• The library of the Institute is equipped with text books, technical journals, Charts, Samples, and CDs.
  • Mostly the resources are on printing, packaging, applied science, management, spiritual, and general education.
  • Free WiFi and Browsing internet are permitted during the library hour with certain restrictions.
  • Membership is required to borrow materials. Not open to public.
  • Staff and students are required to take great care in handling the books, periodicals and other resource materials in the library.
  • The cost of damaged and lost items will be recovered from the users in the next billing cycle or deducted from the caution deposit.
  • SIGA PTC members can use M365 login credentials to access files and folders on online Microsoft platform..
  • Students can access e-Learning online course using their college email ID login credentials.
  • Photocopying facility and mobile camera scanning are available at counter for additional fees.

Librarian Br. Praveenkumar SDB

Contact number: 9789874135
email: librarian@sigaindia.com

Open Educational Resources (OER)

https://colcommons.orgCommonwealth of Learning (COL): Online micro courses platform for different courses.
https://collection.bccampus.caBritish Columbia Open Text Book Project.
https://openstax.orgRice University Open Stax.
https://www.ecampusontario.cae-Campus Ontario.
https://www.skillscommons.orgSkills Commons.
https://libretexts.orgLibre Texts.
https://www.saylor.orgSaylor Academy.
Links / Open AccessLibrary Description
World CatOCLC Worldcat connects to about 10,000 libraries worldwide.
JStorReputed source of academic journals, Primary Sources and e-Books
EBSCOSource of research databases, e-books, journals and magazines .
Globe EthicsResources on Ethics, Theology and Philosophy. The site contains an e-library with curated content and research material on ethics, theology and philosophy.
Cross Points (e-books)List of Free Christian e-books from GospelCoalition, Puritans, John Piper and RC.Sproul.
Religious Data ArchivesAssociation of Religious Data Archives consists of world religions resources
University of Berkeley – Asia SectionBerkeley Library Asia Resources
Hathi Digital LibraryHathi Trust Digital Library
ICIT Digital E-book LibraryICIT Digital E-book Library
Archive LibraryInternet Archive
University of Pennsylvania – Digital LibraryThe Online Books Page
Proquest USA ThesesProquest USA Theses
Taylor Francis e-BooksTaylor Francis e-books
University of Cambridge – Open AccessUniversity of Cambridge Open Access
University of Minnesota – HR LibraryUniversity of Minnesota – Human Rights Library
Global Digital Library on Theology and EcumenismThe Global Digital Library on Theology and Ecumenism [GlobeTheoLib] is a multilingual online library offering access free of charge to more than 650000 full-text articles, journals, books and other resources. Its focus is on theology, intercultural and interreligious dialogue, ethics, and ecumenism in World Christianity. NOTE – you must register for a free account.
Google Scholar
Project Euclid
Open Access E-JournalsCambridge University Press
Oxford Open
PubMed central (PMC)
ScienceDirect Open Access Content
SpringerOpen Journals
Taylor & Francis Open Access
Open Access E-BooksDOAB
E-Books Directory
Google Books
Open Library
Project Gutenberg
The OAPEN foundation
E-Learning Resourcese-Gyankosh
e-PG pathashala
YOGA Mimamsa